Sorting elements in a Python dictionary

In Python, dictionaries are versatile data structures, but there may be occasions when you need to present the data in a specific order. Sorting a dictionary in ascending order is a common requirement, and Python provides a straightforward way to achieve this using the sorted() function.

Here is an example code that uses the sorted() function to sort elements in a sample dictionary:

  • The sorted() function helps sort iterable objects, and when applied to a dictionary, it returns a sorted list of its keys.
  • To maintain the dictionary structure, the items() method is used to extract key-value pairs, and the key parameter of the sorted() function is employed with a lambda function.
  • The lambda function specifies that the sorting should be based on the dictionary keys (item[0]), resulting in a dictionary with keys arranged in ascending order.
  • The sorted key-value pairs are then converted back to a dictionary using the dict() constructor.