How are window functions used in SQL and what do they do?

In SQL, a window function is a function that performs a calculation across a set of rows that are related to the current row. These functions operate on a set of rows called a window and return a single value for each row in the result set.

Window functions can be used in the SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses of a SELECT statement. They are often used to calculate a running total or moving average or to rank rows within a result set.

Employee Table

emp_id emp_name salary dept_id manager_id
E1 Rahul 15000 D1 M1
E2 Manoj 15000 D1 M1
E3 James 55000 D2 M2
E4 Michael 25000 D2 M2
E5 Ali 20000 D10 M3
E6 Robin 35000 D10 M3

Here are some examples of how you could use SQL window functions on the above dataset:

  1. RANK() function:

You can use the RANK() function to assign a rank to each employee based on their salary, with the highest salary receiving a rank of 1. For example:

SELECT emp_id, emp_name, salary, 
       RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) as salary_rank
FROM Employee;


emp_id emp_name salary salary_rank
E3 James 55000 1
E6 Robin 35000 2
E4 Michael 25000 3
E5 Ali 20000 4
E1 Rahul 15000 5
E2 Manoj 15000 5
  1. LAG() function:

You can use the LAG() function to retrieve the salary of the previous employee in the list. For example:

SELECT emp_id, emp_name, salary, 
       LAG(salary, 1) OVER (ORDER BY salary) as prev_salary
FROM Employee;


emp_id emp_name salary prev_salary
E1 Rahul 15000
E2 Manoj 15000 15000
E5 Ali 20000 15000
E4 Michael 25000 20000
E6 Robin 35000 25000
E3 James 55000 35000
  1. SUM() function:

You can use the SUM() function to calculate the total salary of all employees in each department. For example:

SELECT distinct dept_id, SUM(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY dept_id) as dept_total_salary
FROM Employee;


dept_id dept_total_salary
D1 30000
D10 55000
D2 80000

In this example, the SUM() function is used as a window function to calculate the running total of the value column. The OVER clause specifies the window over which the function operates, in this case, the set of rows ordered by the id column. The result of the query would be a list of rows with the id that are distinct in the table, value, and running_total columns. The running_total column would contain the sum of all the value rows up to and including the current row, ordered by id.

There are many other window functions available in SQL, including AVG(), COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), and RANK(). You can find more information about window functions in the documentation for your specific database management system.

Code Runner

Copy the below queries in the code runner to see the result

SELECT emp_id, emp_name, salary, 
       RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC) as salary_rank
FROM Employee;
SELECT emp_id, emp_name, salary, 
       LAG(salary, 1) OVER (ORDER BY salary) as prev_salary
FROM Employee;

SELECT distinct dept_id, SUM(salary) OVER (PARTITION BY dept_id) as dept_total_salary
FROM Employee;