How can I perform cross validation using randomForest package on titanic dataset?

# Code sample illustrating the use of the mighty caret package for
# performing cross valdation of a mighty random forest, making 
# predictions, and saving out a .CSV file suitable for submission to 
# Kaggle.
#install.packages(c("e1071", "caret", "randomForest"))

# Load up data.
# NOTE - Set your working directory to the correct location for the
#        Kaggle data files.
train <- read.csv("train.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
test <- read.csv("test.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Combine the data to make data cleaning easier.
survived <- train$Survived
data.combined <- rbind(train[, -2], test)

# Transform some variables to factors.
data.combined$Pclass <- as.factor(data.combined$Pclass)
data.combined$Sex <- as.factor(data.combined$Sex)

# Split data back out.
train <- data.combined[1:891,]
train$Survived <- as.factor(survived)

test <- data.combined[892:1309,]

# Subset the features we want to use
features <- c("Survived", "Sex", "Pclass",
              "SibSp", "Parch")

# Set seed to ensure reproducibility between runs

# Set up caret to perform 10-fold cross validation repeated 3 times
caret.control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
                              number = 10,
                              repeats = 3)

# Use caret to train mighty random forests using 10-fold cross 
# validation repeated 3 times and use 7 values for tuning the
# mtry hyperparameter(i.e., the random number of variables per 
# split). This code returns the best model trained on all the 
# data using the best value of mtry! Mighty!

# NOTE - This code will take a while to run! <- train(Survived ~ ., 
               data = train[, features],
               method = "rf",
               trControl = caret.control,
               tuneLength = 7,
               importance = TRUE,
               ntree = 500)

# Display the results of the cross validation run - Around 78.7% 
# mean accuracy!

# What is the standard deviation?
cat(paste("\nCross validation standard deviation:",  
          sd($resample$Accuracy), "\n", sep = " "))

# Pull out the the trained model using the best parameters on
# all the data! Mighty! <-$finalModel

# Look at the model - which variable are important?

# Create predictions
preds <- predict(, test, type = "raw")

# Create dataframe shaped for Kaggle
submission <- data.frame(PassengerId = test$PassengerId,
                         Survived = preds)

# Write out a .CSV suitable for Kaggle submission
write.csv(submission, file = "MySubmission.csv", row.names = FALSE)