How can we change a table name in SQL?

To change a table name in SQL, the terms ALTER TABLE will be entered first, followed by the table’s original name, the keywords RENAME TO, and then the new table name.


Employee Table

emp_id emp_name salary dept_id manager_id
E1 Rahul 15000 D1 M1
E2 Manoj 15000 D1 M1
E3 James 55000 D2 M2
E4 Michael 25000 D2 M2
E5 Ali 20000 D10 M3
E6 Robin 35000 D10 M3

The query to change the name of the table would be:

ALTER TABLE Employee Table
RENAME TO employee_information;



emp_id emp_name salary dept_id manager_id
E1 Rahul 15000 D1 M1
E2 Manoj 15000 D1 M1
E3 James 55000 D2 M2
E4 Michael 25000 D2 M2
E5 Ali 20000 D10 M3
E6 Robin 35000 D10 M3