How to copy a table definition in SQL?

Department Table

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To create a new table with the same set of columns as an existing table, you can use a SELECT statement with the column names specified and a table alias. For example, to create a new table called Department_2 with the same columns as the original Department table, you could use the following statement:


When using the CREATE TABLE command, use the LIKE clause:

CREATE TABLE  Department _2 LIKE Department 

Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL

Use the CREATE TABLE command with a subquery that returns no rows:

CREATE TABLE Department _2
FROM Department 
WHERE 1 = 0

SQL Server

Use the INTO clause with a subquery that returns no rows:

INTO Department _2
FROM  Department
WHERE 1 = 0



To create a new table based on the structure of an existing table in DB2, you can use the CREATE TABLEā€¦LIKE command. This command allows you to specify an existing table as the pattern for your new table so that the new table will have the same set of columns and column types as the original table. To use this command, specify the name of the pattern table following the LIKE keyword

Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL

When using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) statement, the new table that you are creating will be populated with all rows returned by the SELECT query, unless you specify a condition in the WHERE clause that evaluates to false. In the example provided, the expression 1 = 0 in the WHERE clause of the query causes no rows to be returned, so the resulting table will be empty. This is because the condition 1 = 0 will always evaluate as false, so no rows will match the condition and be included in the results. The new table will have the same columns as those specified in the SELECT clause of the query, but it will not contain any data. You can then insert data into the new table as needed.

SQL Server

When using the SELECT INTO statement to create a new table from an existing query, the new table will be populated with all rows returned by the SELECT query, unless you specify a condition in the WHERE clause that evaluates to false. In the example provided, the expression 1 = 0 in the WHERE clause of the query causes no rows to be returned, so the resulting table will be empty. This is because condition 1 = 0 will always evaluate to false, so no rows will match the condition and be included in the results. The new table will have the same columns as those specified in the SELECT clause of the query, but it will not contain any data. You can then insert data into the new table as needed.