How to select rows from DataFrame using the list of values?

It is simple to choose one row from a Pandas DataFrame however, if I wish to choose numerous rows, my selection criteria are the values that are kept in a list. I must choose rows from Pandas DataFrame using the list of values for this purpose. Here’s how to understand it:


      Name  Age      City
0     John   25  New York
1    Emily   28    London
2  Michael   30     Paris
3  Jessica   24     Tokyo

List of values:

# List of values to select rows from DataFrame
names_to_select = ['John', 'Michael']

Required Output:

      Name  Age      City
0     John   25  New York
2  Michael   30     Paris

I’m not sure how I can select several rows from a DataFrame using a list of values. Share a way with me if you are aware of one that enables me to choose rows from DataFrama using a list of values.