Methods of iterating over a list in Python

Python provides several ways to print the elements of a list. Some of the commonly used methods include using a for loop, the join() method, the * operator, the pprint module, and list comprehension. Each method has its own advantages and can be used depending on the specific use case. In this thread, example code samples and a brief description of each method will be provided using the example list:

fruits = ['orange','apple','pear','pineapple','kiwi','mango','banana']

1. Using a for loop:

This method uses a for loop to iterate through each element in the list and print it.

2. Using the `join()` method:

This method converts the list into a string with each element separated by a specified delimiter, in this case, a comma and space.

3. Using the `*` operator:

This method uses the * operator to unpack the list and print each element separately.

4. Using the `pprint` module:

This method uses the pprint module, which provides a more readable way to print lists and other complex data structures.

5. Using list comprehension:

This method uses list comprehension to iterate through each element in the list and print it.