What is a Subquery? What are its types?

A subquery, also known as a nested query or inner query, is a query that is embedded within another query. A subquery is used to restrict or enhance the data that is used by the main query. It does this by providing additional filtering criteria or by providing additional data for the main query to use. By using a subquery, you can refine the results of the main query to only include the data that you are interested in. This can be useful for creating more complex and powerful queries that can provide more accurate and useful results.

Employee Table

emp_id emp_name salary dept_id manager_id
E1 Rahul 15000 D1 M1
E2 Manoj 15000 D1 M1
E3 James 55000 D2 M2
E4 Michael 25000 D2 M2
E5 Ali 20000 D10 M3
E6 Robin 35000 D10 M3

Department Table

dept_id dept_name
D3 Finance
D4 Admin


Retrieve the employees whose salaries are above the average salary among all employees

FROM Employee e
WHERE salary > (select avg(salary) from Employee)
ORDER BY e.salary;


emp_id emp_name salary dept_id manager_id
E6 Robin 35000 D10 M3
E3 James 55000 D2 M2

There are two categories of a subquery: Correlated and Non-Correlated.

Correlated subqueries

A correlated subquery is a type of subquery that is executed multiple times, once for each row of the outer query. Unlike a regular subquery, which is executed once and then returns a result that is used by the outer query, a correlated subquery obtains its values from the outer query each time it is executed. This allows the subquery to be tailored to the specific row of the outer query that it is being executed for, and to return results that are specific to that row. When the subquery returns, it passes its results back to the outer query, which can then use them to further filter or process the data. This allows you to create more complex and powerful queries that can provide more detailed and accurate results.


Here, we find the employees in each department who earn more than the average salary in that department and filter data from employee tables based on avg salary from the result.

FROM Employee e
WHERE salary > (SELECT avg(salary) FROM Employee e2 
WHERE e2.dept_id=e.dept_id)
ORDER BY emp_name, salary;


emp_id emp_name salary dept_id manager_id
E3 James 55000 D2 M2
E6 Robin 35000 D10 M3

Non-correlated subqueries

A noncorrelated subquery is a type of subquery that runs separately from the main query and provides the main query with its results. The subquery is executed first, and then the main query uses those results to continue processing.


For example, we find employees who do not have any department.

SELECT *  FROM Employee 
WHERE dept_id  NOT IN (SELECT dept_id FROM Department);


emp_id emp_name salary dept_id manager_id
E5 Ali 20000 D10 M3
E6 Robin 35000 D10 M3

Code Runner

Copy the below queries in the code runner to see the result

FROM Employee e
WHERE salary > (select avg(salary) from Employee)
ORDER BY e.salary;
FROM Employee e
WHERE salary > (SELECT avg(salary) FROM Employee e2 
WHERE e2.dept_id=e.dept_id)
ORDER BY emp_name, salary;
SELECT *  FROM Employee 
WHERE dept_id  NOT IN (SELECT dept_id FROM Department);