What is the process for selecting specific rows in a DataFrame and combining multiple conditions?

Nowadays, I am extensively learning about dataframes and analysis of these dataframes using Python and I got stuck in a problem where I want to extract certain rows of the dataframe based on a single condition or multiple conditions. For example, in the dataset I have attached below, how can I extract all sales which are greater than 3000 and also from the month of January?

|    | Names          | Month   | Sales  |
|  0 | Alice          | Jan     | 2700   |
|  1 | Charlie        | Jan     | 1800   |
|  2 | Bobby          | Mar     | 1500   |
|  3 | Noah           | Feb     | 2200   |
|  4 | Alice          | Feb     | 3100   |
|  5 | Oliver         | Mar     | 2900   |
|  6 | Noah           | Jan     | 2500   |
|  7 | Charlie        | Mar     | 3300   |
|  8 | Bobby          | Jan     | 3800   |
|  9 | Alice          | Mar     | 4000   |
| 10 | Oliver         | Jan     | 4600   |
| 11 | Oliver         | Feb     | 4300   |
| 12 | Charlie        | Feb     | 5000   |
| 13 | Bobby          | Feb     | 5600   |
| 14 | Noah           | Mar     | 5200   |

This was just an example question, can anyone help me understand how the selection of rows works? And how can I join multiple conditions and filter my dataframe based on multiple columns? Please provide example codes using the same dataset or some other.