How is the Gini index used in Decision Trees and what does it represent?

Hi, I’ve come across the term ‘Gini index’ in relation to Decision Trees, but I’m not entirely sure what it means or how it’s used. Could you explain how the Gini index is utilized in Decision Trees and what it represents? I’m eager to understand this concept better.

The Gini index serves as a metric to gauge the impurity or diversity within a dataset, commonly employed in decision tree-based machine learning algorithms. It’s a value that ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 signifies a completely pure dataset (all elements are identical), and 1 represents a wholly impure dataset (all elements are distinct).

In decision trees, the Gini index plays a pivotal role as a criterion for assessing the quality of binary splits. Given a dataset S and a binary split into subsets S_left and S_right, the Gini index for the split is computed using the formula:

Gini_index = 1 - (p_0^2 + p_1^2)

Here, p_0 and p_1 denote the proportions of the two classes (0 and 1) within the combined subsets S_left and S_right, respectively. A lower Gini index indicates a superior split, suggesting that the subsets S_left and S_right are more uniform concerning the target variable.

Hope this explanation clarifies your understanding of the concept!